čiernobiela realita s niekedy ružovým pohľadom

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Wind in sails

No need to take this way
hough it’s getting dark this day
But the price must be paid
For words never been said

And you might be scared
For feelings we share
It may seem all really weird
Oh yeah I do care!

So get on the board!
It’s life you’re waiting for!
On the ocean out of shore
Do the cupboard, do the floor
Gotta get rid of the sore
Making your life bitter or
Even something more
Well you let the wind fill the sail
Even you fail
And the ship's pale
Got broken
Don’t remain unspoken

On the horizon sees you sun
In your eyes there's written what you've done
Keep in mind
As this match still is unwon
You’re the one
Who runs the line

Everything and nothing | stály odkaz


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